• GOFUND ME Thank you for taking a moment to read this GoFundMe request.This donation is to ensure a Buddhist nun has adequate shelter to support her meditation, spiritual practice, and teaching in mid-coast, Maine, United States.Meditation and Buddhism are blossoming in the West, benefiting more and more people. But fully trained and ordained Buddhist nuns…

  • Sunday, June 5th, 2022 – Tashi Gatsel Ling Board Member, Tom Cannon was asked to speak to the Maine Youth Leadership Project and distribute 120 evergreen saplings on behalf of TGL with the support of Dakini Rising. This enabled the approximately 60 Maine high school sophomore students to learn about the importance of helping our environment…

  • Written by Isabel O’Connell, the Bates Student October 2022 When I went to commons right before closing on Friday night with Abbey Ende ‘23, Barry Kilmister ‘24 and Whitney Miller ‘26, Abbey turned to us and asked, “How are you guys going to explain what we just experienced?” I didn’t have an answer at the…

  • CALLING ALL FRIENDS of HHDL, Khensur Rinpoche and Tashi Gatsel Ling: What is today called Tashi Gatsel Ling Buddhist Center has maintained a presence in Maine since the mid-90’s when the Buddhist monk called Lobsang Tsetan began teaching in Joli Green’s art studio in Freeport.  The shrine room and meditation space has moved several times since then to accommodate changing circumstances:…

  • In an effort to reach a larger audience and create our presence across the various social media platforms, the TGL team is happy to announce that we are now on Instagram @tashigatselling. Our attempt is to create engaging content in support of our center and the Dharma. Please follow us if you are on Instagram.…

  • The TGL community welcomed the New year 2022 with a great conversation with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. Jetsunma very kindly addressed questions pertaining to mind training meditation practices of Lojong and Tonglen. You can listen in here: New Year with Jetsunma Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo is a bhikṣuṇī and leading master in the Drukpa Lineage of the Kagyu…